How to give your Windows 8 groupings of tiles descriptive names

While there are lots of resources out there for getting started on Windows 8 (and goodness knows, there needs to be more – the product has great potential but so far the usability needs to be ‘explained’ for users to get started – thus, er, usability may not be the right word for it…).

Anyways, I stumbled across this figured I’d share it.

Windows 8 Tiles Groupings

If you like to group your tiles and want to give them a name, you can. Here’s how (and an example).

Example – this is my work desktop today


Notice the orange arrows.  These are group names I’ve defined.

How to do it

Click this little guy (I don’t know its name, nor do I care) in the bottom right corner of your screen


This will show you your tile groupings, as much smaller tiles.  You can then right click on the group to select it and you’ll get the option to “name group”
