This took me a few minutes to figure out, but being the sharer that I am, thought I’d help some others. It took a few minutes for this to ‘click in’ for me, so let’s see if I can help others have it ‘click in’, faster. 🙂
I opened Outlook on my iPad and couldn’t connect to my Office 365 Exchange email account. I got the following message.
I spent several minutes scratching my head, assuming there was some sort of outage, etc.
So What
Silly me. Two things at play here:
- We enabled conditional access for our Azure setup because it is better security (limited to Canadian connections only) and because … well, with Covid-19 right now, limiting access to Canada right now made sense as none of us are travelling
- I signed up for MLB.TV and shhhhh, setup a VPN (using Dashlane) on my iPad so I could pick up the Blue Jays game – without the VPN I was ‘blocked out’ regionally
Now What
Well, dummy that I am, I didn’t connect the dots right away (the rum and cokes while watching the ball game didn’t help ;).
However, I’m happy we have extra strict security and after a few moments of reflection, I realized the error in my ways (but after uninstalling Outlook thinking perhaps reinstalling the app would help, LOL).
Anyways, hope this helps someone, some day.
tech desk simply told me to tap samsung phone’s Mobile Iron Tunnel icon, and then slide the control to turn the Tunnel session back on.