Hey friends. I was searching for the right word to describe where I’m at these days as I reflect on the summer. I’m writing this at a Brown’s Social House in Nanaimo (softball tourney this weekend). And it came to me. “Re-Bourne” … And if there is to be a movie, Matt Damon needs to be tapped to play me because … Twins! ?
And to be clear, I’m not “reborn”. Nope, “hopes and prayers” don’t do it for me. Action does.
Huh? Let me explain…
Only some of you will know what Wendy and I have been through in the last 8 months. But needless to say, that old saying “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” couldn’t be more accurate in our situation. I won’t go into the past (Jason Bourne had amnesia and I’m choosing to as well). Bourne lost his identity briefly … as did I. Parked.
On a Mission
I’m still refining my purpose and I’m almost there (thanks Tom). And it doesn’t stop at operating a company, playing in a band or trying to be a good dad and husband. I want to work on things bigger than that … bigger than me. I’m not Musk trying to put a million people on Mars in a hundred years – that’s bananas (or is it?). But I plan on doing my part to ensure we do better on our little island – Catch up. Keep up.
Badass Athletic Assassin
Okay, maybe that’s a stretch. But I’m working on it, constantly. 110+ pounds lost … and hey, I found an ab the other day. ?
So why specifically “Re” Bourne?
Well… on Tuesday, itgroove (the company Wendy and I founded in 2003) will become “Regroove”.
Why is that Sean? Keep yer pants on … I’m getting there.
- We don’t do “IT” anymore. Sure we are still in technology but the idea of “IT” as we know it has changed and we’re “losing it” – or at least the traditional ideas surrounding it. We’re 100% focused on doing things in modern ways and by renaming our company, we are absofuckinglutely … all in. Sometimes you just need to lock something in and fully commit … like a tattoo (now there’s an idea…).
- Microsoft Word wore me down. Try starting a sentence with “itgroove” and you’ll see what I mean. Microsoft Word 1, itgroove 0.
- It was always ‘itgroove’ folks. But I’ve seen ITGroove, itGroove, I.T.Groove, IT Groove, IT-Groove, ITGroup, even ITGruv … enough is enough. It’s Regroove now. We’re owning the word.
- While it was kind of funny at the time, if you called us “it” groove we used to joke that you probably didn’t need our services – the simplest of pre-qualifiers. Well … these days, every business could benefit from what we have to offer. We can help your business Redefine your processes, Reimagine how you work while we Reset your expectations about what technology and the cloud can do for your business. We’re Removing the ambiguity and Refining our message. Ok, I’m done with the “Re” play on words. Got a little carried away there… We won’t be helping you Repossess your car.
So that’s where I’m at this week. Next week you’ll start hearing all about Navo (another rename, formerly Masthead, Navo is coming and we mean business). We’ve been busy. And Next up – Shelterball, Rockstar Games and if Ann is game, we’ve even got Blue Balls (you thought I was kidding didn’t you Ann …).
Anyways, have a great long weekend friends. Felt the need to share. Feeling #firedup. #bhag.
Your friend,
Husband | Dad | Drummer | Learner of Things