Masthead – Navigation as a Service – for SharePoint, Teams and More…

Over the next few days and weeks, I’m going to be sharing all sorts of information on Masthead, a service/product that has come from the amazing efforts of our team at itgroove.

To start though, I want to lay the groundwork of what Masthead was/is initially – Global Navigation in SharePoint – which was filling the gap that existed in SharePoint Online (Office 365) – global navigation (or perhaps also thought of as company bookmarks).

Although Microsoft is finally starting to address the needs of the SharePoint administrator with Hub Sites and their new Mega Menu, there remains a number of things that it can’t do – and in concert (or used by itself) with Masthead, we can accomplish so much more, including the following…

What Sets Masthead Apart Today

  • Ability to centrally control/deliver navigation to all SharePoint sites
  • Works across both modern AND classic SharePoint Online sites
  • Supports Security Trimming (yes!)
  • Offers Left/Main Navigation options, Right (Anchors) options and customized footers
  • Easy to update navigation with drag and drop
  • You can preview your updated navigation before deploying it and just like SharePoint, you can roll back your navigation to a previous version (version history)

What Sets Masthead Apart Soon…

Well, that’s coming. Wait for it… For now, let’s have Karin give you a little introduction…

Masthead – Global SharePoint Navigation (and more) for SharePoint, Teams and beyond…