Well, that’s embarrassing. I haven’t posted a blog post since May? Whoa. Sorry, eh?
Speaking of being Canadian (and no better time to be proud we aren’t … well, down below… eh?).
Office 365 Dial/Phones and Microsoft Teams are now a reality and AWESOME. Finally. Here. After years of doing a “hybrid” thang, we’ve gone 100% Microsoft Teams, calling plans and 100% cloud. Couldn’t be more happy.
That said, little bugs are still getting worked out. I’ve helped several US customers over the years come online with US ported phone numbers. But here in Canada, while we have pretty much everything (finally), it turns out when you try to port a number, You can’t get past the initial number porting screen because it asks only for a state and zipcode. Um .. lame?
Anyways, a Hard Iced Tea in hand and one of my favourite dogs at my side, I opened a ticket and discovered that this is just a formality right now. Alas, port orders for phone numbers in Canada currently require a more manual process (complete a PDF and send to an email address) which is all available on this page – https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/manage-phone-numbers-for-your-organization/phone-number-management-for-canada
That’s it. Right Molly?
Should I run into any problems, I’ll update this post. But considering it is 9pm on a Friday night, I’m going to assume the usual “2-3 business days” on this one and deal with it on Tuesday.
Have a great weekend everyone!