Lions, Tigers and Bears … Oh My
One of the projects I had the pleasure to be involved with was working with the team at the Calgary Zoo on a project delivered through Softchoice. This Case Study outlines what took place over the short project. My own memories include flying to Calgary, hanging with Penguins, discussing the Zoo’s unique challenges and and their journey to cloud (Office 365).
While we went there to start a SharePoint Intranet, it became clear that internal communications and speed of messaging was the biggest pain point at the time. By introducing Yammer (I still remember the ooh’s and ah’s as I was given 30 minutes out of an 8 hour day to talk about Yammer), we saw 75 people online within the first 2 days and something over 200 by weeks end. Adoption was swift and feedback was amazingly positive. A neat fit for a neat project.
Read more here: itgroove.net/calgary-zoo-introduces-collaborative-platform-streamline-operations-communications/