I’m not buying a new Coat Rack

Well, the coat rack in our office is full…

In fact, it has been pretty overloaded since the new year. But then I went away on vacation and didn’t really feel like blogging about a coat rack…

Fast forward a few weeks and here I am today, waiting at home for an electrician that I suspect will not be showing up (sigh… pretty ironic that I’m writing a post that is talking about doing the right thing, focusing on delivering good service and I have the time to write it because someone else can’t make a commitment).


So what’s the Deal with the Coat Rack?

Here’s the thing. I turned #42 in February which, according to the Hitchhikers guide to the Universe is the Meaning of Life. (And, wouldn’t you know it, 42 is also my favourite number).

Coincidentally, the business just turned 10 and we now have 10 full time staff, which is about all I can handle or remember the names of. It feels right. For our city, for our office space, for my stress level and well, it’s all our coat rack can handle as well.

So what’s the plan now Buttercup?

While I reserve the right to change my mind, at this point in time, everything I am focusing itgroove on now is all about being stronger, not bigger.

  1. I’m not buying another coat rack
  2. Continue to laser our focus on Doing the Right Thing and Doing that Thing Right
  3. Take on interesting projects and clients … but only those that are a fit. A customer taught me once to separate ourselves from the bottom 10% of our clientele in order to make room for clients that were a better fit. It was good advice.  (Ironically, we employed the technique on her first… 😉
  4. Keep building the team (stronger, not bigger). I realized some time ago that I’m more of a team builder than a businessman. And I’m AOK with that. We’ve built an amazing team here, chock a block full of rock stars. My focus now is to continue to challenge them to be great consultants, hopefully inspire a little, but most importantly … to keep the team intact.  For our customers (but also for each other).

And my Personal Focus?

Regarding my own happiness, around owning a business, I often recite the story of the Mexican Fisherman when people ask. Sometimes I have to remind myself about it too, just to regain focus. Here’s one version of it: http://bemorewithless.com/the-story-of-the-mexican-fisherman.

I never set out to build a business. I set out to “not work for someone else again” and to have fun doing what I was doing. It was some scary shit at first.  Fast forward to today and sometimes it is rewarding, other times it isn’t. But as I love to learn new things, I can tell you without word of a lie, that in the last 10 years I have learned more about business, people and myself, than I did in the first 32 years of my life. And I wouldn’t trade that for anything.

And what’s my point?

Spoiler Alert!  Urm, I’m not sure I have one…

I suppose I set out to note that I get a lot of pressure from various sources and people constantly telling me that I should be growing my business, and “if you aren’t growing you are dying”, etc.  So I suppose I’m just reminding/documenting for myself to stay the course … seems to be working so far. I don’t need to be rich, I just want to have a rich life.

Alas, if you are looking for a quote, here’s my current favourite… Work Hard.  Vacation Harder.


By the way, the electrician still isn’t here…

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