Nifty tool for showing iPhone and iPad screens on the PC

Stumbled across this nifty tool, ReflectorApp today while looking for a solution to provide better support for my family. You see, I convinced everyone in my family to get iPhones so that I wouldn’t have to help them.  This backfired a little as it seems even the iPhone can be complicated for newbs and now family members have PC’s *AND* Smart Phones (but at least for me, the problems are fairly consistent).

Nevertheless, there is a solution for everything.  Anyone that knows me will be aware I love me some SnagIt for screen captures and detailed, colourful instructions.  But when I’m providing iPhone support, I have to take pictures on my phone (screenshots on the phone) and then email them to myself, to then add my callouts and arrows.

Enter ReflectorApp.  This application, that is installed on Windows (or, barf, a Mac), allows me to AirPlay my iPhone or iPad to my PC at which point I can SnagIt the crap out of the screens.  This is already hugely useful to me.  On the ReflectorApp website, they provide really easy/great instructions to get started so I don’t need to repeat them here but I will say that as a techie guy, this is a big win for me.  They focus their content on their website as to how it is useful in education/classrooms and I surely get that, but even us nerds can benefit from this too.


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