1 Resolution for failing to create a sub site (web) from a template


If you spent a bunch of time creating a sweet template in your SharePoint site collection and then were unable to make new sub sites (they’re called Webs really, but that’s a different conversation) due an error similar to the following…


The site template requires that the Feature {af6d9aec-7c38-4dda-997f-cc1ddbb87c92} be activated in the site collection.

Troubleshoot issues with Microsoft SharePoint Foundation.

Correlation ID: 1c60c31d-cf82-47f0-a065-3673b4e16ca6 (this will always be unique)

This will be because the SharePoint 2010 Web Analytics “Custom Report” feature is not enabled.  I’ve come across this a few times and typically it has been where a SharePoint 2007 Team Site was upgraded (database attach or otherwise) to SharePoint 2010 and some features are “new” to the collection and are not enabled in the collection.


The solution is already documented very nicely here, but I find this to be a different scenario than that of the authors so felt it worthy of sharing…http://sharepointconnoisseur.blogspot.ca/2011/04/how-to-enable-sharepoint-2010-web.html