When is it Time to Switch IT Providers?

There aren’t any easy answers to this question, but the fact that it comes up as frequently as it does means that a lot of companies out there aren’t entirely happy with the job their IT providers are doing. And so, if you find yourself wondering whether or not you should switch to a different technology partner, then there’s a good chance you aren’t receiving the service you should be.

When it comes to actual "deal breakers" for IT providers, there could be a lot of red flags like being overcharged for work, or gritting your teeth through lots of downtime that costs your company big money. Usually, however, the decisions are more subtle, and business owners have to be careful of thinking that the "grass is greener" or making the switch just for the sake of it.

In the end, it all comes down to transitioning to a new IT provider when you come across one of a handful of clear-cut signals, or when you can find another technology company that can offer your company more. Here is a quick guide to a handful of situations that should have you thinking about switching IT providers:

When you’re paying too much

How much is too much? Obviously, that depends on your company, but typically you’ll know it when you see it. If you aren’t sure, ask around to see what rates are like in your area – you might be surprised.

When you’re getting too little

If the technology support you’re getting isn’t up to what you expected, figure out why that is. Is it that you aren’t paying for the help you really want and need, or that your IT provider can’t work with the old, unreliable hardware you have? If you have eliminated those possibilities and there’s still a problem, then it’s probably time to start shopping for a new IT provider.

When communication is poor with your IT account rep

Like any business relationship, the one you have with your IT provider is all about regular, open communication. If they are checking in from time to time to see how your business is going, and whether you’re happy with their service, then that’s a red flag that you should be looking at a switch.

When your technology has changed, and your current IT provider can’t keep up

Sometimes, you simply outgrow your current IT provider. Maybe your company has expanded, or picked up a new piece of custom software, and they can’t handle the new volume. In those cases, it’s best to make a change and ensure that your technology will keep working how it should.

When there is a better bottom-line option

This is a fine line, but perhaps the most important one. Sometimes there isn’t a big issue or problem that has to be dealt with, just that you have a better, more cost-effective option elsewhere. Since your responsibility is to your company, not your IT provider, it makes sense to look out for higher profits and lower costs wherever you can find them.

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