Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari and Chrome Support for Office Documents in SharePoint 2010

A customer asked this today (and thought it might help others):


Hi Sean,

Clive is having more than a few problems using Google Chrome on our SP sites. But didn’t you say that you use Chrome all the time? He’s discovered he can’t save anything. Did you have to do anything about SP’s security for Chrome to work?



To which I responded:


Hey Barney

  • Internet Explorer is the *only* browser that supports the Office bits for Document Libraries
    • Open in Explorer
    • Upload Multiple Documents
    • Datasheet View in lists
    • Right click or click on a document and open natively in the supported app (Word, Excel, etc.)*
  • *Firefox is the next in the queue in that if you have Office 2010 (only, not 2007) the right-click support, etc. for Office docs work, but that’s still it
  • FireFox and Safari are considered 2nd Tier browsers. Good support for most stuff (except the Office Support)
  • Chrome isn’t even acknowledged but I think mostly because M$ doesn’t like to acknowledge Google


I do use Chrome a lot, when I’m doing everything *but* documents. It runs/loads faster and I’m a big fan of using Wiki’s, blogs and lists instead of Word and Excel wherever possible. But when I need to work with documents, I launch IE. Google/Firefox have add-ons called “IETAB” which allows you to choose to open wherever you are (some SharePoint site) in Internet Explorer, for those times that you need IE.

It will be interesting to see if the Office team ever extends the extra functionality to other browsers but I suspect it isn’t in the cards as those other browsers can use the Office Web Apps (for Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote) which will continue to evolve and improve.


Ps. The Official/wordy overview regarding SharePoint 2010 Browser support can be found here: