Happy Camper with my new All-in-One – AirPrint, Scanning, Pictures and I don’t need to walk downstairs anymore…

I don’t think I’ve written a blog post about a printer purchase before and it is unlikely that I’ll do it again. But I’m pretty pleased with my purchase this week (HP Wireless All-In-One Inkjet Printer (C310A) for several reasons:


  • I’m now able to print, using AirPrint from my iPhone (and Wendy’s) and my iPad, directly from the phones/tablet themselves
  • I’m able to connect to a webpage, served in my house, and scan directly into SharePoint (using of course, the Dark Blue Duck SharePoint Solution we have implemented) – oh, the awesomeness of the paperless office in SharePoint 😉
  • This printer does great colour photos, either from our computers or directly by plugging in our camera card, and is manageable right on the LCD screen on the printer
  • It duplexes as well
  • It will help solve world hunger (okay, that one is a stretch, but I can see the printer trying in earnest)


Figure 1 : HP Wireless All-In-One Inkjet Printer (C310A)


Figure 2 : Scanning, across the WiFi into SharePoint using Dark Blue Duck


All of that, for $150. I’m happy, and it works great so far. Maybe this will help someone else as I seem to have a number of friends with iPhones that may want to print, without having to wait for the next time they sit at their PC or Mac. Funny, the one review (at this writing) on the Futureshop site seems to slam it pretty good, but my experience has not been the same as his/hers). http://www.futureshop.ca/en-CA/product/hewlett-packard-hp-wireless-all-in-one-inkjet-printer-c310a-c310a/10155029.aspx?path=2985e71721f4ce8e653a0feae4b8ec3cen02


As for the AirPrint Experience


Printing directly from my phone to the printer is painless with the right (supported) device which is why I selected the 310A (I did my homework). Effectively you just enable WiFi on the printer, enable WiFi on your device and then connect.


Figure 3 : from supported apps or within any email (like the above), just choose print


Figure 4 : and then print away after making your selections (duplex supported too, to help stay Green)…