SharePoint 2010 PreUpgradeCheck – Web Part Whack-a-Mole


I have been preparing our itgroove Corporate MOSS 2007 environment for an upgrade to SharePoint 2010. Tonight was the night to complete the last little bits before the big (in place, I like to live dangerously) upgrade. I’ve done a few database attach upgrades already and those were too straightforward, so nothing like trying my own production server for the other approach.


However, after clearing up just about everything from the PreUpgradeCheck (October 2009 CU by the way, for the latest), I still had one piece that was left.



The Issue

After running STSADM -O PreUpgradeCheck, I was still getting the following, after removing all the bits and pieces that I didn’t care about (legacy, junk, demo stuff, etc.)


The Error


Potential Upgrade Blocking Issues


Issue : Missing server file or server configuration issues


Server side files are referenced in the content databases, but are not installed on the server. Without these files, the sites may not function completely or the content may not render correctly. Also, upgrade or post upgrade issues may occur if these files are not available in the new version environment. The following web part(s) are referenced by the content, but they are not installed on the web server

  • Id = d4321bbd-3f43-e3f5-4a38-97d4359facd1, Type = Unknown, Reference = 4, Status = Missing
  • Id = 90f70a36-4ec6-167d-792c-31b7ea83201b, Type = Unknown, Reference = 8, Status = Missing






The Solution


I did the following (to enumerate all sites and their web parts to find the GUID’s identified above which were d4321bbd-3f43-e3f5-4a38-97d4359facd1 and 90f70a36-4ec6-167d-792c-31b7ea83201b:


stsadm.exe -o enumallwebs -includewebparts > c:outputlog.txt



Then I fired up notepad and looked in my newly created output file (c:outputlog.txt) and searched within for those GUID’s. Sure enough, I found them in about 6 different sub sites, all based on a particular site template (that came from a book, the author was well intentioned providing a site template but alas, had some closed web part references to some web parts – of which/whose origin I’m not even sure as Google turned up nothing).


Anyways, no big deal, I was able to determine what sites the web parts were in…


<Web Id="7b18df3d-2686-4975-b73b-b6ba56c832d4" Url=”/clientmanager/projects/bca-moss” LanguageId=”1033″ TemplateName=”STS#0″ TemplateId=”1″>



And then I just played Whack a Mole (web part)



First, I chose Add a Web Part



Then I chose “Advanced Web Part Gallery and Options”



Then I chose to list all “Closed Web Parts” and added them all to my dashboard




I then simply edited the web part and “deleted” them, instead of closing them (click on the X)



Ran the PreUpGradeCheck again and…


Who’s a Happy Bunny? Hope this helps others.