How to show the Document Properties Information in the Office Ribbon

This gets asked enough it seemed worthy of a quick blog. I’m a big fan of organizing data by meta information (columns), instead of folders wherever possible. Being able to ‘file’ the document at the time of creation and editing is very valuable and often the ‘Information Panel’ won’t ‘be there’ in Word. So, here’s how to get it there (or back) and below, how to add it is as one click option to your Office Quick Access Toolbar’.


By the way, this is what I mean by the Document Properties Information, on the Office Ribbon:

Figure 1 : Document Information Properties, on the Office Ribbon Bar


How to show Document Properties in the Office Ribbon Bar

  1. Press the Office Button
  2. Choose Prepare
  3. Then choose Properties


Figure 2 : How to show the Document Properties information in the Office Ribbon


How to add the Information Properties button to the Office Toolbar to call it up in a single click

If you find yourself needing to do the above a lot, perhaps adding the Information Properties Panel information to your Quick Access Toolbar is a worthy step. Here’s how…

  1. Click on the ‘Customize Quick Access Toolbar’
  2. Choose ‘More Commands…’
  3. Select ‘Office Menu’ from the ‘Choose Commands From’ dropdown list
  4. Select ‘Properties’ and then click the ‘Add >>’ button to add it to the Quick Access Toolbar
  5. Click Ok


And here’s a quick video to show you the way (video is worth 1001 words). First I’ll show you how to add it the traditional way, followed by creating a quick access button.

