How to create a “5 Latest Dox” view and place it on a SharePoint Dashboard

This is a common enough request that I thought I’d quickly create a video of it. Ignore my little typos as you see them. 🙂


Business Requirement

I want to be able to see at a glance on my SharePoint Dashboard, the 5 latest documents that my department has worked on, in a particular document library.


The Solution

  • Create a view in your library
  • Set the sort to be the modified date in descending order
  • Turn off folder viewing
  • Set the list view to only show 5 items (in our case, due to the sort order, the 5 latest will appear)
  • Add the library to the dashboard
  • Customize the look and feel (select the newly created view and adjust the title view to indicate what the user is looking at)


Here’s a short video showing how

Video Link:


What it looks like