Ten (10) New SharePoint Themes Available

Microsoft has released 10 new SharePoint Themes that you can integrate into your Sites.  Several of them are very nice and the fella that runs ‘SharePoint Evolved’ has created a site that allows you to simply ‘sample’ each site template, without having to install them (use the ‘picker’ in the top right hand corner, to sample each them.




You can find the sampler here: http://www.sharepointevolved.com/themes/default.aspx (Contoso is my current favourite – subject to change depending on alchohol or caffeine intake).


The new themes are available for download from Microsoft here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?displaylang=en&FamilyID=0a87658f-20b8-4dcc-ad7a-09ad22641f3a


Better still, here’s a ready to go feature installer – http://cid-99afcdd09a4e0e49.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Public/10Themes.zip, created by Daniel Brown.
