Fought an Exchange 2007 Server for almost 6 hours tonight. Turns out Rollup 6, which is part of automated Windows updates (yikes!) has some issues and kills OWA (without errors even, weird).
The patch is available in Windows Update or at
The behavior is, that OWA will either not even display at https://server/owa (you’ll see a blank screen and what appears to be a script issue within IE) or you’ll be able to login but then OWA will not display (it will work, in light mode in Firefox strangely enough).
Looks like the fix is to ENSURE you are a member of the ‘Exchange Organization Administrators’ global group before running the patch (Windows Update won’t share this). The problem is, the CAS isn’t visible to the patch if you aren’t in that group, so it pooches it. So be extra cautious – I’d be willing to bet this applies to SBS2008 as well.
See comments if you want to see others bitching about it at: