Online Change Control – Major Change the Online Change Register

gotta toot your own horn once in a while… 🙂

Solution Name:

Major Change:  A web-based application designed to allow small and medium-sized businesses to easily implement and coordinate the change management process within their IT environments.  Major Change is the Online Change Register


Solution Description:

Uncontrolled changes to an IT environment are the single largest cause of unplanned outages and major IT issues.  Change Management is the proven, industry standard method for reducing these risks to your business.  itgroove Professional Services Limited – an innovative provider of technology solutions to small and medium-sized businesses – has developed Major Change to meet the challenges faced by many organizations to implement and attain the full benefits of effective change management.

Major Change is an efficient and user-friendly web-based application that allows any business to:

  • Manage the entire change management process from start to finish
  • Implement change management quickly with an intuitive and easy to use interface
  • Track, document and report on all changes in an IT environment

Effective change management, with the help of Major Change, has a positive impact on a business’s IT systems with the following direct benefits:

  • Improved reliability – By helping to ensure successful change implementations the occurrence and severity of unexpected service issues or outages is significantly minimized, thus reducing the associated costs of these issues
  • Clearer visibility – Business owners, decision makers and IT staff are aware of all changes to an environment, helping to break down the dreaded ‘silos’ often present in an organization
  • Increased accountability – Knowing the ‘when, what and why’ of a change assists in troubleshooting and problem resolution of unforeseen issues; detailed documentation is often also required by many corporate and government auditing and compliance policies

Major Change simplifies the change management process, from submission to completion, for any business of any size.  Each stage is managed, tracked and documented within Major Change.

  • Easy to use – Most users are up and running with little or no training required
  • Customizable – Configuration data is completely customizable by the administrator
  • Priced to suit any business – A user-based licensing model fits into almost any budget
  • Superior support – Product support and consulting services available from highly-skilled and experienced technology professionals and consultants

Sign up online for a 30-day free trial and help protect your investment in IT and improve business productivity and profitability!

To learn more about Major Change, or other products and services offered by itgroove, please contact us today!