I’ve been asked this enough times, it makes sense to blog my response.
SharePoint vs Joomla
A small subset of SharePoint is about publishing, however SharePoint is much more than just a CMS (though it does incorporate Microsoft’s first foray into CMS, the now-defunct Content Management Server).
SharePoint is an application framework, Joomla is a website CMS (website with a database backend that is skinned = easy/consistent and non-technical website management). Although there is some slight overlap in what can be done, they are completely different animals.
In general (mostly due to expense and overhead), I’d prefer having Joomla as my CMS. There are thousands of components allowing me to create a fully fledged website without having to code much of anything. Out of the box, SharePoint (web publishing feature) is quite limited, and the licence costs to expose it to the Internet are astronomical, whilst with Joomla most stuff is free, or otherwise, very good value.
I work with both (SharePoint fulltime, Joomla part-time – www.itgroove.net), both have their strengths and weaknesses, however they are for completely different markets. I’d say SharePoint’s strength is good for Intranets, Internal Portals, knowledge sharing, document management and ideal for business seeking a remote access, collaborative, file server replacing platform – Joomla’s strength is purely a good CMS.
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