Planning on installing PHP and/or MySQL on IIS?

Man, what an ugly install PHP and MySQL are. The documentation is all over the place, everyone in every newsgroup is giving their $0.02 and none of it seems even remotely accurate. In a nutshell, it is exactly what is *wrong* with Open Source. Don’t get me wrong, open source is a great thing, but man, I wish they could get their act together on some of these things.

Anyways, I finally got a swell/working PHP/MySQL on IIS (ya ya, I should install it on Linux, etc. – blah blah blah, go take a shower nerd). But these two articles were very important, in particular, the detail regarding the system variable that needs to be set called ‘PHPRC’ that is very poorly documented. It tells PHP where to find the php.ini file (I think, I should have ranted last week when I was actually doing it).


Found some videos (fantastic):

  1. Installing PHP 5.2.5 on IIS
  2. Installing MySQL on IIS
  3. This has a gem about configuring php.ini for magicquotes, the extension dir path and enabling the MySQL Dll’s

Anyways, here they are:

How To Install PHP on IIS 6.0

How To Install MySQL and PHP on IIS 6.0