Quick, Cheap and Easy Domain Awareness Ideas

As a little bit of value add for you, from your friends here at itgroove. We wanted to share 2 ways you can help your business be found on the Internet, by search engines and in particular, the most used one – Google (there are MANY techniques so we kept this first set of suggestions ‘bite sized’).

Cross Links
The more websites that link to your site and the more you link back to, helps a great deal in raising awareness about your website. Google values these relationships greatly. To see who Google believes you have a relationship with, go to Google and type this in for your search:

link:www.yoursite.com (e.g. link:www.itgroove.net)

So, sit down and make an effort to reach out to similar businesses, partners and vendors and request that you create some reciprocal links. It is worth sending that email.

Lengthen the ownership of your DNS Domain

Considering that $15 or so you are paying a year needs to be paid every year, why not just reserve it for the 10 and be done with it? Not only does this remove that annual headache but also, there is some belief that Google also weights just how long you plan to ‘stick around’ with your business and thus if your WHOIS (DNS information) is good for many years to come, they will value your site just a little bit more than the next one, in a similar space. While nobody really knows what Google does to value sites and rankings, it is believed this little one has an impact as well. You can spend the money now or later but you’ll need to pay for that domain every year, so we suggest you lock it up for the next 5-10 years, just so that little Google bit helps as well.