My name is Colin Phillips, and I’m a SharePoint team member at rhipe Solutions of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia ( I’m a former member of the itgroove team. As of 2013 I’m also a Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) in the area of “Office Servers and Services” (formerly “SharePoint Server”). Throughout my career I’ve specialized in IT, software development, SharePoint, and various combinations therein. I’m a Principal Consultant, with rhipe Solutions, focusing on SharePoint and Office 365 solutions.

In the past I’ve been known to hang around with IT minded individuals, developers, project managers, and the Sheldon’s of the world (though not Jim Parson’s in particular). All of which help me survive the onslaught of new information being fed to me daily from a million different angles. I have a background in both IT and software development (for over 15 years now), but in terms of SharePoint, as we say around here, I’m always “drinking from the fire hose”.

This blog is intended to be a place for me to share information, which the general IT (and in particular the SharePoint) community will hopefully find valuable.

Finally, in addition to being a graduate of the University of Victoria – B.Sc. Computer Science, I am also a Microsoft Certified IT Professional in SharePoint Administration and a Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD) in SharePoint as well as a VMware Certified Professional (VCP).

The name “MMMan” is a mystery. You’ll have to get to know me to find out the details of that one.