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Ninite Alternative

I’m finally giving up on Ninite as there are now to many programs behind their paywall. I have been testing an alternative for awhile now and it seems to work good and its free! Patch My PC Same sort of deal it lets you download a portable utility (non install) that unlike Ninite checks your …

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How to get the BIOS Embedded Windows 8 SLP Key

How to get the BIOS Embedded Windows 8 SLP Key Scenario: Preloaded Windows 7 PC, downgrade rights from 8.1. Problem: You actually WANT to install windows 8.1, how do you do it? Say If you have a Lenovo they make it as hard as humanly possible. Maybe you end up with a disk/copy of a …

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Bye Bye Windows 7! Hello Windows 10!!

We have been advised that Microsoft has instructed its various partners to cease shipment of PC’s with Windows 7 pre-installed or “in the box” and has also advised retailers to stop selling Windows 7 licenses.  As of this month, Windows 7 goes into “Extended Support mode” which means the countdown has started on the cutoff …

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Windows 8 – And now for something completely different!

OK, right up front I have to state that either Ballmer & Co are absolutely brilliant OR the lot of them have been smoking copious amounts of crack somewhere on the Redmond campus.  I have started to noodle about with Windows 8 (the Consumer preview) and I have to say that I’m kind of leaning …

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