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How to Incrementally Migrate Content Using Sharegate

A picturesque stroll through the incremental migration process using the Sharegate Migration tool. Start by using the “Copy SharePoint Content” option – do not use “Copy Site Objects”. Choose your source site (and fill in any credentials). Choose a library (this must be done one list or library at a time). Choose your destination. Choose …

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Free eBooks from Microsoft Virtual Academy

New FREE eBooks from Microsoft. Full Details available here or see below. Introducing Microsoft System Center 2012 R2Mitch Tulloch with Symon Perriman and the System Center teamJanuary 2014180 pages Get a high-level overview of System Center 2012 R2—and get a running start transforming your datacenter and cloud-optimizing your business. This guide introduces core features and …

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Simple Server Uptime / Downtime Chart

Many thanks to this URL for the details: Uptime (percent) Downtime per month Downtime per year 100% 0m 0m 99.999% 0.4m 5m 99.99% 4m 52m 99.9% 43m 8h 46m 99.8% 1h 26m 17h 31m 99.7% 2h 10m 1d 2h 17m 99.6% 2h 53m 1d 11h 2m 99.5% 3h 36m 1d 19h 48m 99.4% 4h …

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Setting Up a SQL Server Alias with SharePoint Server 2013

I made a similar post about this for SharePoint 2010, but I wanted to update it (and make it more clear) for 2013.  Using a SQL Server alias, you’ll be able to change the database server in your SharePoint farm behind the scenes, without anyone in your SharePoint universe even knowing you’ve made a change.  …

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List of SharePoint Developer, Design, and Testing Tools

This list, with over 40 items on it, is a great place to go to find everything you need to get started with any of the above categories (dev, design, or test).  Once you’re started, it’s also a great place to improve your environment, add some tweaking, improve you experience, and step up to all …

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New Chrome extension can open Office docs

As posted on CNet, (some) office documents can now be opened in Chrome.  Apparently not designed for chromebooks, and also doesn’t seem to work with my Windows 8 desktop, but it supposedly works somewhere.

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Warming Up SharePoint Pages

There’s a useful PowerShell script out there which is designed to iterate over all your SharePoint Web Applications and “warm them up”.  But what happens when you find that there are other pages within your site that should be warmed up, and that script isn’t cutting it for you?  Well, it turns out there’s a …

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Setting Up a SQL Server Alias with SharePoint Server 2010

Using a SQL Server alias, you’ll be able to change the database server in your SharePoint farm.  In addition, setting an alias should really be a best practice for most new farm builds.  This technique is useful when moving or virtualising your database server, setting up a test environment, or especially when migrating from SQL …

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How To Install .NET Assembly Into GAC

A situation arose the other day where we needed to install DLL’s directly into the GAC, and the thing is locked down tighter than … well, insert your best dirty joke here.  Needless to say, where there’s a will, there’s a way.  I will make the disclaimer right now, you should never ever do this!  …

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