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Remote Web Access vs Remote Desktop Server

I had a customer ask me about this the other day and I thought it might be useful to have a quick discussion about the differences between these two desktop access technologies. While we are all rushing to embrace the Cloud (Hello O365!) there is still a lot of need by a lot of organizations …

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Stuff to think about when you consider “On Premise” vs Office365

We (itgroove) have been working with a lot of clients that are moving parts of their infrastructure to Office365.  For some clients it really is a “no-brainer” and there is no discussion at all about 365 vs on premise servers.  For other clients it is a much more complex discussion.  So I thought it might …

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A SharePoint/SBS Clarification

I’ve been called out on my last post regarding SBS and SharePoint as it may be confusing.  Well, welcome to the world of SharePoint!  It can be VERY confusing!! The thrust of my last post is that you *really* need to think about what it is you want to do with SharePoint before you jump …

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SBS and SharePoint Decisions

We have a number of customers that ask about SharePoint and SBS.  This might be a bit surprising as SharePoint has been an integral part of SBS since SBS2003 (Companyweb, anyone?) but it is a very good question nevertheless because of the nature of SharePoint. Microsoft has always pushed the use of SharePoint as an …

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SBS Migration Process vs Swing Migration

Louis asked a good question the other day as to why you would want to use a Swing Migration over the SBS2008/SBS2011 migration process provided by Microsoft. Back in the days of SBS2003 this question would not have been asked as there was no Microsoft provided tools for migration into SBS2003 or to a replacement …

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