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Outlook users can wreak havoc when you move to new Exchange

I came across a very weird problem this past week that had me scratching my head for a bit.  I had just finished helping a non-profit customer migrate to a net-new Windows domain after they had suffered through a “broken” migration from SBS2003 to SBS2011.  As we all know, things change rather dramatically from Exchange …

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One little AD “trick” to completely screw up Exchange OWA

I came across this little “gem” at a client today.  After I spent quite a bit of time getting their Exchange 2010 up and running (see earlier post about RPC 6001 errors) I was back on site trying to figure out why webmail and iPhone connections would not work for most users including the CEO.  …

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SBS2011–a second go at the migration perspective

We just wrapped up another SBS2003 to SBS2011 migration and we once again made use of the SwingIT migration kit.  This migration was a bit more complicated as the source SBS2003 system was a complete mess as there were many, many fingers in the “administrator” pie since the system was initialized. Overall, the migration went …

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Secure Remote Access Options for SMB

A big chunk of the customer base I deal with at itgroove are small offices that have single or dual server infrastructures.  In many cases they want to allow their staff to remotely access systems and resources at the office.  There are two very good tools available to this SMB space to control and secure …

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