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Yet Another “Huge Collection of Free Microsoft eBooks”

As posted by Eric Ligman (Microsoft Sales Excellence Program Manager) [Below is a copy of Eric’s post] Last summer I put up a post that offered a collection of free Microsoft eBooks across a variety of topics and the response was incredible. Because of the phenomenal response, I followed it up with a second …

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Undeclare a Single Record in a List

Following on this forum post, and this blog post, I wanted to be able to undeclare a specific record.  In my case, I wanted to undeclare a record by “ID”, but you could really do this by any (unique enough) attribute of a record. The code I used to do this was essentially as follows. …

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SharePoint 2013 Developer Dashboard

To enable the developer dashboard in 2013 is fairly simply, so long as you’re willing to delve into PowerShell.  The developer dashboard toggle in SharePoint 2013 – This is OFF by default in your farm, you will NOT see this unless you turn on the developer dashboard at the farm level.   The developer dashboard …

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Search Host Controller Service in “Starting” state (SharePoint 2013)

I ran into exactly this issue as described by the post below. On the "Services on Server" page, the "Search Host Controller Service" showed the status "Starting". Basically, running the following PowerShell as the Farm Admin Account (run as administrator in PowerShell) solves the issue. [sourcecode language=”powershell”] $acl = Get-Acl HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\ComputerName $person = [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount] …

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Fun with PowerShell – Balloon Tips

This is a tip from  I’ve slightly changed the text and title to make the boss man smile every time he reads this post.  Displaying Balloon Tip Let’s assume your script wants to share status information via a balloon message in the system tray area. Here is a sample: [sourcecode language=”powershell”] [system.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName(‘System.Windows.Forms’) | Out-Null …

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Deleting (an Orphaned) SharePoint 2010 Meeting Workspace using PowerShell

I was recently asked to delete an orphaned meeting workspace for a client.  I couldn’t find anyone who’d done this before on the old Google box on the internet machine, so I decided to write something for myself, using PowerShell. I did this by using the following PowerShell script (using the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell …

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PowerShell Script to Log to Event Viewer and Reboot

We recently needed to create a PowerShell script to log to the event viewer and reboot the machine on a schedule.  This is what we came up with. The PowerShell $evt=new-object System.Diagnostics.EventLog("Application") $evt.Source="itgroove Scheduled Reboot" $infoevent=[System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType]::Information $vdate=Get-Date $val="itgroove Scheduled Reboot Event at: ["+$vdate+"]" $evt.WriteEntry($val,$infoevent,70) Restart-Computer –Force You simply put this into a file (such as …

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PowerShell PowerTip – How to get the Windows Product Key

This is copied from a daily email I get from Getting Windows Product Key Ever wanted to read out the Windows license key? In the Windows Registry, this key is present, but it is stored as a digital ID. To convert it back to the license key used to originally license the product, try …

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How to get all the Site Collections in a Content Database (PowerShell)

I found a really simple one liner PowerShell that will tell you which site collections are in which content databases. Just copy this line (verbatim – no changes necessary) to a SharePoint 2010 Management Shell, and voila! Get-SPContentDatabase | %{Write-Output "- $($_.Name)”; foreach($site in $_.sites){write-Output $site.url}} The reference article is below.

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