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Microsoft MVP Virtual Conference

Join me and piles of others in the MVP vConference (online). See below for more details. Here is a high level overview of the event: World-class free online conference that features technical content presented by Americas’ region MVPs that is open to the public More technical content (Level 200, 300, 400), less marketing 5 tracks: …

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What to do if Office Web Apps (OWA) Stops Working in SharePoint

A customer ran into this issue a while back a couple of times and I wanted to document it for others. The customer was using their SharePoint environment normally throughout the day when all of a sudden their Office Web Apps stopped working. As it turns out, the ultimate problem ended up being related to …

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PS Config fails with “The exclusive inplace upgrader timer job failed”

I was working with a client recently and after running some OS updates on their SharePoint servers, I tried to run the Product Config wizard (PSconfig).   The command I was running was as follows. PSConfig.exe -cmd upgrade -inplace b2b -force -cmd applicationcontent -install -cmd installfeatures   Unfortunately, at one point (later in the sequence …

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Free eBooks from Microsoft Virtual Academy

New FREE eBooks from Microsoft. Full Details available here or see below. Introducing Microsoft System Center 2012 R2Mitch Tulloch with Symon Perriman and the System Center teamJanuary 2014180 pages Get a high-level overview of System Center 2012 R2—and get a running start transforming your datacenter and cloud-optimizing your business. This guide introduces core features and …

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PowerShell to Grab a Collection of Files from a Document Library

The following PowerShell can be used to take a subset of files from a document library in SharePoint and output them to the file system.  Note, this will need to be executed on the SharePoint server. [code language=”PowerShell”] $spweb = get-spweb -identity "http://yourdomain/yourweb" # Use the "pretty name" of your library below $list = $spweb.lists["Your …

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Change the “SharePoint” text in the top left corner.

The following is a great post by Tobias Zimmergren about how to change the text in the upper left of the 2013 branding very easily via PowerShell. Thanks Tobias, I’ve used this several times (including in our own Portal – seen below).  [code language=”powershell”] $webApp = Get-SPWebApplication http://[your SharePoint web application] $webApp.SuiteBarBrandingElementHtml = "Awesome …

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How to Remove a Quick Launch Item using PowerShell

I was recently asked to remove a Quick Launch item in all quick launch menus across an entire web application.  The following PowerShell will iterate over all webs in all sites in a web application searching for the menu item labelled “BAD Quick Launch Item” and will delete that node from each location. $FindString = …

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How to Enable/Disable Numerous Features Across an Entire Farm

I was recently asked to enable and disable certain features across an entire farm that were activated by virtue of having upgraded to the SharePoint enterprise license.  The key is that to do this effectively, I wrote some PowerShell, and I needed the Feature ID.  The table of features with their IDs is below. Short …

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