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Fixing our Office Web Apps 2013 Server

We’ve been having some issues with our OWA server recently, and I was ready to throw the VM away and build a new one, but I persisted and instead found a way to fix it, since I figured somewhere down the road we’ll need to do this for real with a customer, and rebuilding wouldn’t …

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How to Do Everything Microsoft SharePoint 2013

The latest book I’ve helped contribute to is now available in print.  Many thanks to Sean Wallbridge for help getting me involved, Keith Tuomi for fighting over the chapters with me , and most of all, the author, Stephen Cawood, for being cool with letting the whole itgroove team join him in the technical editing …

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Error “Excel Window: PowerPivot Field List” Resolved

When trying to connect to data in PowerPivot everything seems to work fine when you’re setting up your data connections, setting up your relationships, and then once you go to return back to the Excel window by virtue of creating a PivotTable, you suddenly see the following error.   Message: Excel Window: PowerPivot Field List …

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Fix for Error “Your Developer’s License has Expired. To Continue to use this App, Please Renew your License” After Performing a System Restore

If after performing a system restore, many of the Apps on the Start page won’t open, and you’re getting the error message “Your Developer’s License has Expired. To Continue to use this App, Please Renew your License”, there’s 2 techniques that can work for you. Technique 1: Reinstall each app individually. This could take a …

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How to Change Your Windows Product Key After Install & Activate

If you ever run into a situation where you need to change your product key so you can activate windows, there’s a simple command line technique to do so.  Simply open a command prompt and type in “slmgr.vbs –ipk [product key]” After a few moments, the following message should appear. When you’re done that, type …

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IE10 Now Available for Windows 7

This is a little behind the times, but I wanted to throw it out there for anyone who wasn’t aware (and who wasn’t already privy to Windows 8). As posted on TechNet: Internet Explorer 10 for Windows 7 Now Globally Available

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Office and SharePoint 2013 Developer Tools Now Available

The latest SP dev tools are now available for full release.  A few articles on the topic can be found below. Office and SharePoint 2013 Developer Tools Now Available: Download the Office and SharePoint Visual Studio tools! The tools themselves can be obtained here. Office Dev Tools for VS2012: Office 365 Developer …

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Microsoft Server Licensing Rules (re: CALs)

When trying to quote a customer on a new server installation, you have some important numbers you need to consider, and one of those is definitely how licensing works for server licenses.  A co-worker and I ran into a scenario the other day where we weren’t entirely sure of the rules for licensing once we …

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Setting Up a SQL Server Alias with SharePoint Server 2010

Using a SQL Server alias, you’ll be able to change the database server in your SharePoint farm.  In addition, setting an alias should really be a best practice for most new farm builds.  This technique is useful when moving or virtualising your database server, setting up a test environment, or especially when migrating from SQL …

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Microsoft Unveils Office vNext

The next generation is now available for Customer Preview.  This apparently includes a preview of the next version of SharePoint as well.

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