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JavaScript that Waits for the SharePoint API’s to be Ready

I’ve run into this countless times in SharePoint where I need the browser DOM to be ready, but also at the same time, SharePoint isn’t yet ready to perform operations against its APIs. The problem with using something like jQuery’s ready method is that will only get you a browser DOM that is ready, but …

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The Reality of Connecting SharePoint to Oracle using BDC

What? A while back I had a customer ask about connecting SharePoint together with an Oracle data source, and using the BDC service to act as the intermediary in that exchange. So What? The reality is that unfortunately connecting SharePoint to Oracle isn’t as simple as connecting SharePoint to a SQL Server data source. In …

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SharePoint and the User Interface with JavaScript (Slide deck)

Below is a link to a slide deck of a presentation I gave last month at our local SharePoint user group (vSharePoint). The main theme of the presentation was in regards to how to combine together JavaScript with the SharePoint UI to add some sweet, interactive behaviours that truly add value to the end consumer. …

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Creating a custom callout (in an image library) using JSLink

I was reading through the following article recently and found there was a really cool section about how to create a custom callout in an image library (in SP2013) simply using the JSLink override functionality. They even give you all the code you need to do it yourself. Below is an example of what they …

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Fetching a User Using the SharePoint CSOM (via JavaScript)

I tend to need to do this sort of thing a lot recently, and it’s not as simple as looking for a pre-fetched value sitting in the DOM somewhere, so I figured I better blog it and then I’ll know where to find it. Here’s my code (below). All you have to do is call …

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Free eBooks from Microsoft Virtual Academy

New FREE eBooks from Microsoft. Full Details available here or see below. Introducing Microsoft System Center 2012 R2Mitch Tulloch with Symon Perriman and the System Center teamJanuary 2014180 pages Get a high-level overview of System Center 2012 R2—and get a running start transforming your datacenter and cloud-optimizing your business. This guide introduces core features and …

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The Trick to Getting JS Link to Work in SharePoint

There have been a number of times I’ve forgotten that there’s a kind of black magic going on with the JS Link field in SharePoint List Views.  I’m writing this mostly to remind myself of how to do it properly, but also to help anyone else out there who may be running into the same …

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Yet Another “Huge Collection of Free Microsoft eBooks”

As posted by Eric Ligman (Microsoft Sales Excellence Program Manager) [Below is a copy of Eric’s post] Last summer I put up a post that offered a collection of free Microsoft eBooks across a variety of topics and the response was incredible. Because of the phenomenal response, I followed it up with a second …

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Cool IE10 Specific CSS Trick

I’m a big fan of the CSS Tricks site, and this one is right up there as a good post, relevant to how to target specifically the IE10 browser.

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