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A (Non) Profitable Journey–Part 3

I migrated Swan Lake out of their Small Business 2011 environment into a new Server 2012 R2 environment built on top of Server 2012 R2 Hyper-V.  Swan Lake had purchased the server licenses and CAL’s through Tech Soup and it only made sense to make use of that licensing as we move forward.  I migrated …

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Sometimes you need to leave it to the pros!

I have a Mazda 5 that I love.  Yesterday I decided that I would change the cabin air filter, after all how hard could it be?  I looked the procedure up online then drove to the Mazda dealer to buy the filter then drove back home.  In my driveway I gathered my tools then started …

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Thin, bloated or otherwise–what’s the right IT mix?

There is a lot of talk nowadays about “IT bloat”, usually by the guys that are in the forefront of delivering Cloud services.  And they have a point, IT can bloat like mad if you don’t keep things under control.  Services like Office 365 can be a godsend for many organizations because they offer a …

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Office 365 and the “fear” of having data hosted in the US

Many years ago, Scott McNealy, former CEO of Sun Microsystems and a “human quote machine” made the comment, “You have zero privacy anyway. Get over it.”  The comment was made in reference to questions about security and privacy on the Web.  While Scott’s comment may have been a bit over the top, there is a …

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Adapt or perish!

In the post-doctoral academic world there is a saying, “Publish or perish”.  In the IT world the corollary is, “Adapt or perish”.  Both worlds are ruthlessly Darwinian in nature.  “What”, you may ask, “does this have to do with Office365 and other cloud services?”  Glad you asked!  Office365, Azure, Amazon and others have completely changed …

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itgroove and “The Cloud”

We are Cloud Friendly. Everyone nowadays talks about “the Cloud” as being the next big thing that ALL companies should be looking at as a part of their IT infrastructure planning. The problem is that the term, “Cloud”, has become so ambiguous and attached to so many things that it is hard for most companies …

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Office365–post migration perspective

As I mentioned in an earlier post, we have been in the process of migrating a customer to Office365 in preparation for their migration from SBS2003 to SBS2011 Essentials.  We decided to move them to 365 well in advance of the server migration itself in order to lessen the “shock” of the migration to all …

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The “Cloud” and Small Biz

Everywhere you look nowadays there is a reference to “The Cloud” yet there is no real clear definition as to WHAT “The Cloud” actually is.  You see references to public Clouds, private Clouds, hybrid Clouds … you name it and there is probably the “Cloud” moniker attached to it.  So just what IS “The Cloud”, …

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