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A (Non) Profitable Journey – Part 4

Things continue apace at Swan Lake.  I’ve been fooling around with various things and I’m slowly rolling in the changes that I and they want to see in place.  It’s a slow process as I have to grab time to do things where and how I can but things are rolling forward and that is …

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A quick followup on Veeam DR recoveries

We have been using Veeam with a number of our ESXi and Hyper-V customers with great success.  Frankly, backup is always a pain in the backside and Veeam makes backing up virtual environments just a little bit easier. One thing that I like about Veeam is the ability to easily manage remote backups – backups …

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Veeam Backup–Project A–Second Update

I’ve managed to get a lot farther with the backup process.  All of the issues with the second VM have been fixed and the remote backup of that VM has been successful.  Throughput for it is the same as that for the first VM so I’m pretty happy overall. A few things learned along the …

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Veeam Backup–Project A

As promised, this is the next instalment in my Veeam posts, specifically on Remote Backup (backup to a remote site across the WAN). This has been a learning experience even though I already had one site doing remote backup for almost a year.  The goal with this particular project is to leverage as much goodness …

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Revisit your DR strategy

Backup is one of those “non-sexy” things that often gets ignored while companies focus on the latest shiny bits.  After all, it’s very much like insurance; we all have to have it but we pretty much ignore it until the next time we have to pay the premium.  That’s a pity but it is human …

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Replication is NOT backup!

This is a little bit of a rant, so be prepared. I have lost count of the number of times I come across people in the “biz” who tell clients, or anyone else who will listen, that replication is the same as backup.  It most emphatically is not!  To tell somebody that is to tell …

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Veeam Backup & Replication 6 – first impressions

As promised, here’s the first in a series of posts on Veeam Backup & Replication 6. We recently installed Veeam Backup & Replication 6 at one of our customers.  Most of our VMware customer base use VMware Essentials licensing so it’s no surprise that our first Veeam install is also of the “Essentials” variety.  I’ll …

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Starting down the VEEAM path … stay tuned!

We have a number of customers that have virtualized environments (ESX/ESXi) that are starting to hit issues with backups using “traditional” backup tools.  We also have the same issues in our own virtual environment.  To solve some of these issues we are working with customers to implement Veeam Backup and replication within their environments and …

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