A note from your friendly neighbourhood itgroove Blog admin:

Our friend and former colleague Robert Dick has started up a new blog:


Stay current with his latest posts there.

Hi, I’m Robert Dick and I am a Microsoft Office 365 MVP and an IT Technology Consultant with itgroove Professional Services Ltd in beautiful Victoria, British Columbia, Canada (www.itgroove.net).  My actual title is SMB Team Lead/Senior Consultant and considering the fact that I have been in this business for over 30 years the “Senior” title has been earned!  I have worked for small and large companies in BC, Alberta and Ontario and I have been on both sides of the consulting fence — I’ve been an “end user” and I’ve been a Consultant.  The latest “consulting” run has lasted about 14 years now so I’m probably in it to stay.  I cut my teeth in the first real wave of accesible IT technology (IBM PC’s, MS-DOS, SCO Xenix and Unix, “green screens” and modems, the list goes on …) and I believe I’m now working in the second big wave (iPad’s, SharePoint, iPhone’s and Android’s, the “Cloud” and virtualization, the list goes on …).

This blog will be eclectic by necessity; I’ll be writing about Office 365, Virtualization (VMware, Hyper-V), security (things like anti-virus software and firewalls), backup (Veeam, baby!), storage and many other things.  In many ways this will be a chronicle of what we at itgroove do for our SMB customers as well as a chronicle of my ongoing IT education.  As I learn, I’ll share as that is what it’s all about.  Hopefully, the sharing will be of use to you in your own knowledge quest.

Finally, you may be wondering why the blog is called “The Beagle”?  There are a number of reasons but two that come to mind are, 1) It’s all about “discovery”.  HMS Beagle made numerous voyages of “discovery”, its second voyage took Charles Darwin on his voyage of discovery that, in turn ultimately led to Darwin publishing “On the Origin of Species” in December of 1859.  2) Anyone who has ever lived with a Beagle will tell you that they are inquisitive, stubborn and always “pushing the envelope”.  I’m hoping those same traits will help me fill this blog with useful information.

So, thanks for stopping by, I hope the visit will prove worthwhile!

