Office 365–AppSwitcher and Office 365 Nav Bar

This is just a quickie post about a neat little feature that Microsoft has slipped into Office 365 in the last few weeks.

If you spend anytime at all logged in to Office 365 you’ll certainly know that the “Waffle” is the button that brings up the AppSwitcher which makes it a doodle to switch between Office 365 applications.


Click it and you get something like this:


Now Microsoft has also given you the ability to “pin” apps from the AppSwitcher to the Nav Bar (the Bar across the top of the screen).  Here’s a shot of my Nav Bar:


The icons highlighted in the red box are two links I’ve pinned to the Nav Bar, first one is to our Sites and the second is to the Partner Portal where I can manage my Office 365 customers.  As they are pinned to my Nav Bar I am always “one click away” from them.

You can pain up to 3 apps to the Nav Bar.  Here’s how to do it:

1.  Login to Office 365 and click on the Waffle.

2.  Hover over the app you want and click on the ellipses:


3.  Select Pin to NavBar from the displayed choices:


4.  You are done!


Simple, easy to do and it gives you immediate one click access to your more important apps.  Not earth shattering by any means but a nice little touch from the Office 365 team to make your day a wee bit easier.