I keep running into this issue with my Symantec DLO where it would complain the license is invalid all of a sudden. I talked to Veritas and they helped me and I couldn’t find this info on the web so I thought I would post it just in case anyone else has the same issue.
Starting the console I’m treaded the the following error “The Symantec Desktop and Laptop Option license is invalid”
Going to About it states “Entered License Key is invalid”
Going to Change License Key and entering my key and going change says it updated successfully
Even after that the console still says the key is invalid
To fix this basically we have to clear out all the licenses and then re-apply them. I have upgraded the DLO from 6 to 6.5, 7, 7.5, 7.6 to 8 so I’m not surprised some cleanup is in order. Run a command prompt as administrator and go to the folder the DLO is installed, usually C:\Program Files\Symantec\Symantec DLO\
From there you can run the following to list the licenses installed
DLOLicenseCLI.exe –list
Then you need to remove them one by one
DLOLicenseCLI.exe –delete KEY
Then add the current keys. **Note that if you have a 40 user licenses in separate licenses keys such as 10 users license pack and a 30 user license pack you would enter the 10 user key and then the 30 user key three times to = 40 (or so I’m told)
DLOLicenseCLI.exe –add KEY
Then restart the DLO services and you should be good to go!