We make a living by what we get.
We make a life by what we give.
– Winston Churchill
I volunteer with a couple of organizations, one of which I write about regularly on this blog, Swan Lake Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary, and the other which is not tech oriented, the Salvation Army Stan Hagen Centre for Families. A number of my colleagues at itgroove also volunteer their time with various organizations (good on you, Team!).
Many non-profits like Swan Lake literally live or die based on volunteer activity as budgets just don’t exist to support a staff compliment equal to the need. And organizations like the Sally Ann extend their humanitarian reach because of the large number of volunteers that give selflessly of themselves. The army of volunteers that support things like minor hockey and soccer and baseball and so forth is mind boggling. There is a very large chunk of our social network that simply would not exist without volunteers.
People volunteer for many reasons but I think there is something about the connection with our fellow humans that volunteering affirms and strengthens. We generally work because we have to; we volunteer because we want to! Volunteering can feed a passion and it can nourish the soul. Giving selflessly of yourself to help your brothers and sisters enriches all of us and strengthens our social bonds. And make no mistake, it feels good!
So, go ahead, jump in and volunteer with a group that can benefit from your giving. There are sooooo many groups and organizations that could use your help. If you don’t know where to start try looking for a volunteer co-ordination group in your area as there are many than can help to match you up with an organization that could really use your help. I promise you, volunteering is one of the most rewarding things you can do.