Blocking Ransomware and the CryptoWall / Cryptolocker with Trend Micro

Blocking Ransomware and the CryptoWall Cryptolocker

Trend Micro released a product patch on 2015-05-14 that’s adds Ransomware Protection via their Enhanced Behavior Monitoring features in Worry-Free Business Security 9 SP1. If you are running Trends patch B2532 it is a MUST to install to protect from the EVIL Crypto variants. Head to Trends download site to get the update.

Blocking Ransomware and the CryptoWall / Cryptolocker

The patch is an easy install and doesn’t require any reboots. You do however need to then turn on the protection after the patch. Log into the Trend Web Console and go to the “Security Settings” Tab. Select the group you want to turn it on for and then go to “Configure Settings”.

Blocking Ransomware and the CryptoWall / Cryptolocker

Head to the Behavior Monitoring area, you need to have this feature enabled for the Ransomware Protection. Then you can turn on both options after you enable it.

Blocking Ransomware and the CryptoWall Cryptolocker