Looking Back

Where were you 10 years ago? In September 2003, Sean and I had just made the long journey back to Canada after living in Bermuda for 5 years. We had a 1 ½ year old baby and one on the way. About a week before we moved back here, there was a huge hurricane (Floyd I believe) that destroyed houses, giant trees and also partially washed away the only road to the airport. It was stressful, to say the least!

We had found our new Victoria house online and it was empty except for a borrowed bed, couch and crib from my parents, and our 21 Rubbermaid containers. While we were moving in, getting our driver’s licenses renewed and finding doctors, Sean was working out of the basement for a Bermuda company that he had been working for during the past year or so.

This meant waking up pretty early – 6:00 or so (did I mention I was a pregnant light sleeper with a baby running around??) and making the long commute downstairs in his housecoat to get to work. It was scary to take the giant leap to being self-employed with a family to support, but he did it and he has no regrets.

This is where itgroove started and I’m happy to say that we are celebrating 10 years now!

I’m really proud of the hard work that Sean has put in to make the company what it is today.

Hmm, I am thinking something ‘technology related’ would be a good anniversary present 😉