Happy Anniversary

It’s hard for me to believe, but July 9 was our 18th wedding anniversary!

Back in 1993 after some convincing from Sean, I agreed to fly off to Vegas to get married. I was holding out for a more traditional wedding, but it seemed like all of our married friends said if they could change one thing about their weddings, they would elope to escape the pressure and the cost of a big wedding.

I clearly remember going on ‘the Internet’ to find a place to get married. Back in those days, there weren’t a lot of things on there to look up, but we managed to book ourselves in at the Little Wedding Chapel.

After a quick goodbye to our families, we were off. We picked up our marriage license and went to the chapel to decide on my bouquet and to get a quick (and I mean quick) rundown of what would happen the next day.

We were picked up on July 9 at our hotel by a Cadillac-driving divorcee who very happily told us all about the horrors of getting married the entire way to the church.

Once there, Sean disappeared behind the double stained glass doors and Norm the Elvis impersonator took my arm and we walked down the aisle together. After he gave me away we had a 2 minute ceremony and we were hitched!

After that Norm grabbed his ghetto blaster and asked for a song request. I immediately shouted out ‘I’m Caught in a Trap’, which Sean will never let me live down. That is a very good song though…

After a few songs and hip thrusts (which Norm later told us wasn’t as good as he normally would do as he just had hip surgery), we were done.

It may not be for everyone, but it was just perfect for us.

Happy anniversary Sean! Looking forward to the next 18+ years J
