Rock stars! Go Team!

Two more of my itgroove colleagues and fellow Team members have been awarded SharePoint MVP’s!  Colin Phillips and Keith Tuomi both received notification today (Canada Day!) that they had each been awarded MVP status.  This brings itgroove to a total of 3 MVP’s which is pretty unreal when you consider the company is less than 10 in size.

The reason we have 3 MVP’s (Colin, Keith and, of course, Sean) can be boiled down to one word: Sean.  I’m not sure Sean knew when he started itgroove 10 years ago that his company would become an “incubator of success” like it has but here we are; 3 MVP’s!  There is no way that Colin and Keith could have achieved MVP without the backing of Sean and the incredible environment that is itgroove.  And there is no way that itgroove would be the incredible environment that it is without the vision that Sean provides.

I’m an old fart (born in the early 50’s) and I’ve seen lots of different management styles and environments in the arc of my career.  I can truthfully say that I’ve never worked anywhere that provided such a nurturing and “cheering” environment as itgroove.  Yes, many firms will pay for training and such but I’ve not seen the chance to grab the “brass ring” extended as much as it is within our organization.  This is not to say that Sean won’t kick people in the butt when they screw up or come up short; hey, he’s only human after all!  But he DOES let all of us try to reach beyond our current level and encourages us to branch out and try new things.  Most importantly, he sees things in each of us that we don’t necessarily see in ourselves.  And he reminds us constantly that none of us can get anywhere without our Team and the support the Team provides.

So, here’s to you, Colin and Keith! Congratulations on your achievement, you both worked your tails off to get there.  Thanks for being a part of our Team and helping all of us to “look good” with all of our customers and peers.  Pride may be one of the seven deadly sins but I am dead proud to be associated with you guys!

And Sean, I just want to say “thanks, buddy”!  I’m glad I am part of the itgroove Team.