Brainlitter - Inside the mind of Sean Wallbridge

Dad. Husband. Drummer. Learner of Things.

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New Office 365 Radio Ad – Canadian Office 365 Cloud

We’ve got a new ad playing on the Q. We at itgroove have been building to this moment since the beginning. All roads lead to SharePoint and it all just became easier, more powerful and now on Canadian Soil. It’s gonna be huuugge itgroove Microsoft Cloud – Trump from itgroove.

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itgroove – Cloud Friendly, Office 365 Ready – Now in Canada, eh?

Well, we’ve been building up our team to this and knew it was coming. Today was the day.  Microsoft Datacenters, in Canada.  This was the final roadblock for many in order to start to the path towards fixed costs for Email, File Sharing, Teleconferencing and just about all your team needs.  Office 365 and Azure …

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More on Inbox Zero

Karin has been knocking out some awesome videos lately.  Today she kicked off our “Office 365 Bytes” with a summary of what I’ve been ranting about for some time – the quest for Inbox Zero (or an empty Inbox at the end of the day). If you follow my blog at all, you’ll see I …

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Inbox Un-Insanity – Follow Up and editing previous emails

What I thought I’d share a “Pro Tip” today. Perhaps it doesn’t work for everyone but here’s the “Why” for me. I’m an “Inbox Zero” kind of guy and strive to get there every day. I do most days, so pat on the back to me 😉 However, I don’t like the “weight” of tasks. …

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A Clean Inbox with Quick Steps and Search Folders

I recently challenged myself to change how I manage my inbox. Previously, I would leave messages in my inbox and rely on tools like Search to find what I was looking for. I believed this was a good way to go because: I didn’t have to fish through folders trying to find what I was …

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Office 365 – The Basics, Canadian Edition, eh?

I presented the following today at the first (of many monthly) Office 365 User Group meeting in Victoria.  It seemed natural that after talking about Office 365 and Office Online, it made sense to share the slide deck embedded via PowerPoint Online.

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Victoria Office 365 User Group – Coming Soon!

We’re pretty excited here in the office as we are gearing up to announce and support a local Office 365 User Group.  Watch this space: and sign up.  The more the merrier!

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Office 365 Observations from a grizzled veteran of the SMB Space

As a big SharePoint fan and recently self-diagnosed Bob Ross of SharePoint, I’ve been watching and actively participating in Microsoft’s swift transition of key software and services into the Cloud. While BPOS was great, the name didn’t exactly mean much to customers. But with the words “Cloud” and “Office 365”, interest is increasing rapidly and …

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Oh Man. Connect to Outlook is disabled/unavailable

Ran into this the other day.  “Connect to Outlook” was unavailable (greyed out/disabled) in a new SharePoint 2013 farm.  Often you’d see this if you are using an unsupported browser in previous versions of SharePoint (Firefox, Chrome, etc.  was an IE ‘only’ thang). The quick solution in our case was to deactivate the “Minimal Download …

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